We come, we go. One moment here, the next moment there. The transient nature of life is ever so glaring these days. Stories of people who have been partakers of life’s events leave me wondering. Where they prepared? Prepared for Jesus coming? I always recall what a friend said once: – ‘The minute you die, for you Jesus has come.’ There has been a cross over.

On Monday I thought Nyanya bomb blast was terrible. I still do. The depth of the wrench in my heart was deep and true with a story I read. There an old man had remarked: “they have killed my future”. Today I see another sad news on a friend’s bbm status. RIP she says to a man only married last week, now dead today 18th April, 2014.

Again I wonder, did he know? Was he ready to meet his maker? Sad as it is, after all that is said and done what matters is the knowledge of us God has. Would he call us sons or workers of iniquity? Would there be a welcome for you in heaven should you die now? Or an ushering right in to hell? The way you claim to know God is it the way He God truly does know you?

Today there are still so many families affected and in mourning by Nyanya blast. Yes again, a young bride turned widow is out there struggle through a dark hour she did not envisage. Death hurts even when it’s obviously coming. It hurts a whole lot more when sudden. For the deceased what is important is not the suddenness of their exit, it’s their standing with their Maker.

Trust we know, that we are alive is not a sign of our righteousness or birth right. It could have been you, yes you but it was not. So today I ask you: does God call you son? If no, fix it now. Tomorrow you may not have.

In memory of the Nyanya victims and a certain young man.
© 18th April, 2014.