Archives for posts with tag: Reality

There is a mentality in Nigeria that needs to be expunged all round. Standing on a bus queue waiting for my turn, a goon came shunting the line under the guise of greeting an old friend. Along with him came a female who looked and acted like she stole and was caught.

I thought to myself herein lies the problem in Nigeria, irresponsible youths with no character. People with no character in one area of their life most likely do not have it in another area. It is the same mentality that makes them act like it is okay to expect and celebrate mediocrity and even worse still have no expectations whatsoever.

It is the idea behind wanting the very best without investing or giving anything. The local parlance calls it smart, business wise etc. This I call the armed robber mentality. Nigeria would rise to her place, yup but we need to work on the mind-set and mentality of the average person on the street. With what we currently have, what we aspire to be might be a dream.

For at the end of the day, our mind sets and mentality shapes our reality.

© 30th June, 2014

Looking at the bills and projects in need of my money was sure daunting. Seriously my mind began flight mode, what extra can I do to raise more money cause I would sure need it. I promptly sent out messages to friends reminding them that I write so they can respond with jobs. Surely I have to be on top of this.

As I paused to listen to a message on ‘words’ I had a need to go back and put it in action. So I put the message on pause, picked up one of my devices and scrolled. As I spoke aloud the words within, my heart calmed down. Then I began to chide myself surely you know He is able. If for no other reason but the mere fact, that He has proved it from January right until now.

Looking back I must say all the curves I have experienced have come to challenge my spoken words. This helped me put it all in perspective – where they simply that: words? Or are they reality shapers? Calm and at ease I can say boldly: reality shapers.

Thankfully, the subtle intrusion was exposed and stopped.

© 13th March 2014.

Today is 26th day of May, 2014 began working on some of my projects. I am still learning and applying words in my daily living. The perfect extra I can do am yet to hold, the extras I’ve been doing are the same.