Do I have a message?
Or am I the messenger?
Yes and yes. Both I am.

My Bible tells me that I am God’s letter to the world. The world being people I meet, interact with both physically and virtually. I know I am God’s letter. I know that I have a message too. My life is a message and a message carrier, more often than I care to admit or sometimes accept, it is not about me and certainly not for me (Ouch!). There are days I look forward to the time and place where the moments of struggling will be over. That on this side of eternity I will find rhythm to my beat.

Learning to see as God sees is my current study. One thing I sure did not envisage in my walk is that people will try me (Try: to test the authenticity of who I am, my reason for being). Knowingly and unknowingly, they try me and will still do that even in the next minute. It is a conscious position to remember that we all are Image-Bearers of God. I can be petty, meeting people at their point of lack of home training (in my opinionated opinion), but knowing it’s not Godlike tugs at me afterwards.

People Management is a skill I shall conquer. You see my life, my purpose, the whole essence of who I am, why I am here, is to pass along a message. To be salt, to be light, to be a runner for God. The recipients are people, they are very ones who try me, try my patience, try my home training, try my emotions. How do I not stain the message I carry with my choices and responses to this trying? How do I choose time after time to shake it off when I can somewhat get away with vengeance? Just how?

I focus, I look intently at the One who sent me, I pour out my frustrations on Him. Some days all I can do is be still before Him, no words to be said. I let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit and lead me. I am for Him, my choices always have to show I delight in His will, not because He demands it but because I truly do delight in His will. The beauty of a message is in its purity, an unstained form as given.

I am a messenger.
Yes, I am a message.
For His good pleasure.

© 7th June, 2018

2 Corinthians 3:2-3 The Passion Translation (TPT)
2 For your very lives are our “letters of recommendation,” permanently engraved on our hearts, recognized and read by everybody. 3 As a result of our ministry, you are living letters written by Christ, not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God—not carved onto stone tablets[a] but on the tablets of tender hearts.