Same event. Different balance. Same players. Growth is evident.

It took a d’eja vu for me to recall the faithfulness of Him who said, ‘it would only get better because I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus’.

An unexpected event bust upon my after work life. With everyone home bound and even home in some cases, it fell on me to sort out. There just had to be a way, with every hour I looked for a path, my emotions swirled negativity to those responsible for this to-do.

Nerves calm. More mature emotionally. Same me. Different me. I scroll through messages and I am humbled at God’s work.

Same disruption, work missed that must be closed out, yet again office to handle request closed. Found ma pathway faster than before. I am in a good place, emotions all stable and positive. No hard feelings towards anyone.

October ten twenty seventeen and July ten twenty eighteen. It is brighter, more stable than the past. The things that got me agitated have been taken care off.

So, I look ahead, wondering what the next eight months would bring. How I would have matured further. With expectancy and excitement, I look forward to what He has in store for me. Knowing that most probably, anything which has me bothering on agitation now, would be a done deal.

You see, when He said it would only get brighter and brighter, He meant it. Eight months is too much a time to figure that out. Yet, somewhere in my living I missed something to be thankful for.

Timing. Better. Brighter. Future. Settled. Promise. Keeper. Eight Months Later my Father is ever still faithful and just.

© 10th July, 2018.