…’and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost’ Acts 2:38b

…’in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.’ Ephesians 1:13b

So often I forget that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God to me. He is a token of God’s love unto me; a sure sign that I am His.

Over the years I have come to know Him as my teacher, my comforter, my guide, my seal, a foreteller and one who brings things to remembrance. Did I earn Him? No, I could never be worthy enough even if I tried. My works pale shamefully, in the light of who God is and then in His ways and workings. So no He is not a reward of anything I have done, could have done or would ever do or be able to do.

Once I believed that I am forgiven and the debt paid at Calvary, I received a gift. A gift from God, showing He meant business when He adopted me. Who else would teach me how to be blended rightly with my new family? Who else, would show me daily that I have been accepted in the beloved?

No one could but the One who knows all about the Father and Son for He is One with the,. The One with whom I have sweet fellowship always.

He is the gift of the Holy Spirit, the One with whom I have been sealed until the day of redemption.

© 11th November, 2014